Walks Programme

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Map location for : Tue 20th Feb . Leader : Tessa S 07961 355059
Grid Ref : SX938719 | Post Code TQ14 0DP | Lat & Long | 50.537669,-3.4999401
Route : Butterfly and Dagra Lanes, some steep sections. Optional lunch at The Captains Table, Teignmouth TQ14 8BB. Meet at Ness Car Park, Shaldon (fee). Distance : 5 miles
All walks start at 10:30am unless stated otherwise. Guidance for Walkers

Date Location Description Leader
Sunday 1st
9 miles
3 Commons and a Castle. Coleton Raleigh, Lympstone and Woodbury. Meet at Warren car park Woodbury. Hilary B & David L 07943 009366
Tuesday 3rd
3 miles
O.S.E. Walk.Totnes town centre visiting Leechwell. Paths and roads. Optional lunch in Totnes. Meet in Longmarsh car park (fee). Paddy J And Janet E 07989 792183 07786 673126
Thursday 5th
8.5 miles
PL17 8NJ
TAMARA WAY. Calstock to Luckett. Linear route. Meet at Luckett car park PL17 8NJ then car share to Calstock station to start walk.
PLEASE NOTE : Walk has been cancelled.
Tessa S & Dorothy W 07961 355059
Sunday 8th
9 miles
TQ13 8EA
Fernworthy Reservoir to Gidleigh and back via Scorhill Down. Meet at Fernworthy Reservoir.
PLEASE NOTE : Walk cancelled. Yellow rain warning for all day.
Hilary B & David L 07943 009366
Thursday 12th
6 miles
Shuttaford Lane, Hembury Fort, River Dart. Meet at North Hembury Woods car park. Bob A. 01803 605147
Sunday 15th
10 miles
EX20 1RD
Metheral Hill, Hound Tor, Foxes Holt. Meet at Belstone car park. Gail J 07909 763830
Tuesday 17th
5 miles
Tea Shop Walk. Initial climb to Hunter,s Path, past Castle Drogo, down to the river and return along the riverside track to the Fingle Bridge Inn. Park on the road approaching Fingle Bridge. Dave L 01803 391058
Thursday 19th
7.0 miles
Roads, paths, and tracks. Starcross, Powderham, Kenton, Cofton. Meet at the Recreation ground car park, Generals Lane Starcross (free).
PLEASE NOTE : Change of leader and change of mileage
Bob W. 07399 106674
Sunday 22nd
10 miles
PL20 6PE
Burrator Reservoir, Sharpitor Meet at Burrator Dam, roadside parking. Susan & Kevin H 07738 719762 07956 430058
Thursday 26th
7 miles
TQ10 9JE
Lady's Wood, Owley Cross, Two Moors Way, Western Beacon, Butterdon Hill. Meet at Lady's Wood parking layby. Daniel R 01364 388528 07448 144664
Sunday 29th
10 miles
EX20 4LU
Edge of North Moors Walk. Dartmoor Way, Two Castles Trail and Tarka Trail. Meet at Meldon Reservoir car park (fee). Richard B 07727 842717