How to lead a walk

Walks Leaders Form for Winter 2024-25 Program also in word format Walk Leaders Form (editable)

OSE Risk Assessment Form - Can be used for any walk if preferred

Risk Assessment form Ramblers Recommended form also in word format Risk Assessment form (editable)

1. Choose a category of walk which you wish to do i.e:-

Thursday walk between 5 and 8 miles,

Sunday walk between 8 and 12 miles or a

Tuesday Tea Shop walk up to 5 miles.

There is also the option for an OSE (Oh So Easy) walk of approximately 3 miles on the first Tuesday of the month.

2. All walks start at 10.30 am unless otherwise stated. 

3. Recce the walk(s) and establish a suitable place to stop for a coffee break, usually after an hour or so, followed by a lunch stop around 12.30 - 1.00 pm. Also note any points of interest and any possible hazards e.g busy road crossings. It may be wise to arrange for the backmarker to wear a high-vis vest if the route includes walking along a busy road or negotiating a crossing.

4. Establish a meeting point, car parking and use of public transport. Supply an OS grid reference for the meeting point. You may find this link UK Grid Reference finder helpful. Include a postcode only if this will be helpful, postcodes in rural locations can be misleading.

5. Download and complete a Walk Leaders form. Paper copies can be requested from the Walks Co-ordinator.

6. If on the day, or shortly before you have concerns about the weather conditions, an obstruction to the route necessitating a detour, or if you are unable to lead, contact the Walks Coordinator or a member of the committee to see if a substitute leader can be organised.

7. More information from Ramblers national - Walk Leader Checklist.

How to Cancel a Walk.

We very rarely cancel walks as most members are well equipped to manage whatever the British climate throws at us!

However, there are occasions when it may be prudent to cancel, eg when severe storms or adverse driving conditions threaten the safety of members. Equally well, personal reasons may arise unexpectedly. 

Leaders unable to lead their walk eg through sudden illness, family issues etc should in the first instance contact a member of the committee to see if a substitute can be arranged. If a substitute has aready been arranged, please alert the Walks Coordinator, the Secretary or the Chairman so that the changes can be suitably communicated.

Leaders needing to cancel a walk should contact the Walks Coordinator, ideally no later than 8.15am on the day of the walk. Obviously the sooner a cancellation can be announced the better. Not every member has access to the internet and for this reason if possible it is best if a leader can turn up at the walk start to advise those who may not be aware of the cancellation. it is understood this is not always possible.